Thursday, October 2, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Prostate Health Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Before reading any article, you might want to read the Ezine article written by Chic Ngo, showing you how to obtain all information which you want to collect.
How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo

Prostate Biopsy Procedures - All About Them
By Brian Richards

When you suspect some prostate related disorders, you will definitely go to a specialist doctor to confirm whether there is a cancerous growth or not. Mostly after some initial diagnostic procedures, the doctor will suggest you get a prostate biopsy procedure. What is a prostate biopsy procedure? It is one of the diagnostic tools to determine the occurrence of cancer in the prostate glands.

It is nothing but extracting small sample of tissues from prostate gland to verify the presence of cancerous cells. Generally the detection of prostate cancer at the early stages is difficult as there will not be any visible symptoms. The two initial procedures adopted for the diagnosis are Digital Rectal Examinations (DRE) and Prostate Specific Antigen tests (PSA). These may not show up with confirmation the occurrence of cancer growth. An accurate determination can be achieved only through biopsy procedures.

There are three types of procedures, depending up on the procedures adopted in the biopsy. All are intended to determine the potential risk of cancer in prostate glands. These are trans-perineal, transurethral and trans-rectal.

Trans-rectal Prostate Biopsy Procedure

The trans-rectal procedure is performed after giving anesthesia to the patient. This procedure is done with the help of trans-rectal ultrasound monitor. This equipment helps the doctor to view the prostate regions very minutely and hence helps to guide the biopsy gun for extracting the sample tissues from the appropriate location. The biopsy gun is a sterile spring loaded needle which can extract the tissues within micro seconds. There can be little bleeding which will be visible in urine. In this process, the patient will have only very less pain as well.

Transurethral Prostate Biopsy procedure

The transurethral procedure is generally carried out under local anesthesia given to numb the surrounding area of prostate and urethra. This procedure is performed by the insertion of a cystoscope slowly into the urethra and the doctor uses the cytoscope to direct the cutting loop device (attached to the cytoscope) to properly extract the sample tissues from prostate.

Trans-perineal Prostate Biopsy Procedure

When the first two procedures fail in extracting the sample tissues, this method procedure is employed. This is a risky procedure and many complications can occur associated with it. The trans-perineal prostate biopsy procedure is performed by making incision on the perinea and can cause high pains and bleeding. This procedure will be done mostly under full anesthesia.

The prostate biopsy procedures have already matured and as of now the risks due to these procedures are very minimal. Some people claim that procedures can damage the prostate glands; in fact there are no other ways to detect the presence of cancerous growth in the prostate glands.

All biopsy procedures will result in slight bleeding through urine, ejaculates and the rectum. Some experience tenderness and irritations at the incision area. But all these will go off within few days. In case of Trans-perineal prostate biopsy procedure, it will take about a month to get completely recuperated.

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